Meet the Entrepreneur: Bolanle Austin Peters

Bolanle Austen Peters is a renowned entrepreneur and owner of popular educational and recreational centre Terra Kulture, which is located in Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. In this interview, she speaks on the motivation for starting her business, the challenges and how she has managed to overcome them to build one of Nigeria’s most recognizable brands for Nigerian culture, entertainment and food.

How did you get here and what made you decide to start your own business?
Terra Kulture was birthed as a result of a need. There were few places in Nigeria with the appropriate ambience for Nigerians and foreigners alike, to learn about Nigeria’s rich cultural and linguistic heritage.

What has the experience been like so far?
It has been a wonderful experience. A passion that turned into a business. It is a wonderful feeling when you know you can satisfy a need, giving people an opportunity to have a feel, a taste and also appreciate Nigeria's culture. Although, it has not always been easy, with persistence, consistency and a positive attitude towards change and continuous evolvement, we have been able to stay on top of our game.

When is the best time for someone to start his/her own business?
Now. There is no time like the present. Some people wait for the perfect opportunity to start a business but there is never a better time than now! Whatever your small seed is, plant it and it will become a tree with nurturing and time. 

Capital is always a key consideration in starting your own business, how did you raise capital?

Capital was raised through Central Bank of Nigeria SME Fund Scheme and friends and family.


 Do you have mentors and how have they impacted on your business?
Yes, I do. Mentors add value and advise through their experiences. Through Wimbiz I have a lot of mentors. 

Who are your role models and why?
Tayo Aderionokun (late) because of his desire to add value and his ability to see potential 

Where is this business going to and when are you going to get there?
As the premiere cultural space in Lagos, we continue to work on infrastructure development and content provision. Our plays are breaking records and we are taking Wakaa the musical to London's West End in July. Our auction house also continues to showcase Nigeria's fine artists at the highest level. 

What has been your biggest challenge so far and how have you managed it?
The dearth of skilled theatre practitioners and also lack of theatre spaces. This is in addition to raising capital to expand our business. 

What is the sweetest part of running your own business?
Creating jobs and developing a crop of skilled artisans and artists. Seeing my vision come to fruition brings tremendous joy. 

You can listen to the podcast here:


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