Senior Executives Inspire members of Staff at maiden edition of Knowledge Sharing

Wednesday, 1ST of February, 2017 was no doubt both enriching and insightful for senior staff members who gathered in their numbers at the Amphitheatre to witness the maiden edition of The Knowledge Sharing Session series, coordinated by UBA Academy.

GMD declared the session open stating that it will now be held regularly with the purpose of addressing immediate knowledge gaps in a relaxed and interactive manner that stimulates deep and meaningful discussions expected to cascade down to other members of staff. According to him, all members of staff who proceeded on various training courses will henceforth return to share their experience with other members of staff.

Bola Atta, Director of MCC, shared her Harvard Business School High Leadership Potential Programme experience with staff in December 2016, and this past Wednesday, a total of 8 facilitators, including, ED, East and South Bank, Dan Okeke, ED and Regional CEO, Anglophone Africa, Oliver Alawuba, ED Risk Management, Ike Uche, ED, Lagos & West Bank, Ayoku Liadi, ED, Operations & IT, Chukwuma Nweke , Group Treasurer, Emmanuel Onokpasa, Muyiwa Akinyemi, Director Corporate Banking and Razak Shittu (who visited various reputable Institutions, including Harvard Business School, Boston and International Institute for Management Development, Switzerland), took turns to deliver rich and incisive documents to the appreciation of all seated at the amphitheatre.


The event commenced with a presentation made by the first facilitator, Mr. Emmanuel Onokpasa who went on a five day training to Harvard Business School.  He delivered a document titled Leadership for Senior Executives which richly covered Productive and High performance Teams, Networking and Navigating Staff conflicts and difficult situations where he made reference to the Wolfgang Keller and Dimitri Broadsky case. Amongst key issues he elaborated upon was that when setting up your team, one must endeavour to find a slice of genius, which prioritises the value the person is bound to add. He concluded by highlighting key lessons pointing out Empowerment, skills honing, self- development and challenging market norms.

Ike Uche, who went on a Two week training at International Institute for Management Development, (IMD) alongside Dan Okeke, Oliver Alawuba, Ike Uche, Ayoku Liadi and Chukwuma Nweke also spoke as they all took turns to inspire the audience with their collective document titled Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives. It was equally enriching, listening to them talk about best possible was leaders can inspire subordinates so that our organisation can be better for it. They particularly emphasised the need to do things differently for improved results. Key take outs from the events were continuous improvement and High alerts to changes in the business environment.


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