EASTER ideas
Easter is fast approaching. It may be a religious holiday but, just like Christmas, it almost always coincides with school breaks. So, you’re very likely to have a full house this Easter and subsequent ones.
Here are a few tips to spice up your Easter and lighten the mood as you hang out with family.

Decorations and Easter crafts
Decorations are an integral part of every celebration. They not only set the mood and emotions, they also highlight the importance or relevance of the celebration. The most popular Easter crafts are the egg related crafts. Although the story of the Easter bunny delivering eggs is an American thing, I do think there’s some beauty in colourful eggs. Plus, when you consider how you’d be killing two birds with a stone, as per you can eat the eggs afterwards, it does sound like a good idea. For egg crafts and other decors, feel free to surf the net.

Family picnic, lunch, dinner
Whatever meal is convenient for your family. Meals are a great way to bring a family together. You get to sit around a table to eat eye watering delicacies, talk about old times, and catch up on new times.  If your denomination recommends abstinence from meat during lent, like mine, Easter meals will be incomplete without a healthy dose of meat; chicken, turkey, beef, sausages, whatever.

Karaoke is fun for everyone; old and young, voiced and voiceless. You just need a mouth capable of producing sounds, lyrics, and probably the instrumental version of the song you intend to sing. Heck, you could compose your own song on your make-believe stage. It’s alright if you have actual microphones, but I think it’s funnier if you use microphone-shaped objects with no ability to amplify sounds, e.g. a fine cup or a polished stick.

Family experiments
Try out family experiments. You could attempt to make a smoothie out of a combination of fruits and vegetables, maybe add milk and sugar to taste. Or you could just whip an ice cream out of bananas and milk only. You could also think out of the box and try experiments not related to food. I think it’s a nice idea to break up into groups and see which group comes up with the strangest idea that turns out to be impressive. Not only is this a lot of fun, it’s also a nice way to inspire kids to be innovative.

Take a trip to see nature
Bundle up your family into your family car and visit popular tourist centres that display the beautiful work of Mother Nature. I could give you ideas, but I would need to know your locality to do that. Once again, feel free to surf the net.
Of course, there are lots of other activities your family could engage in, depending on preferences and locality. My advice to you is to try out new things this Easter, explore your options and make sure your family have fun.

By Vivian Nwajiaku


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