Most people get excited that Friday is here, especially if the week has been hectic and packed. But often, Fridays can seem like a waste especially when you don’t know what to do with it.

Your brain is anxious in anticipation of the time to just get off. Everyone's already thinking about the weekend, so productivity is either very high or just low.
Instead of giving in to the impulse to daydream, you can take the opportunity to plan for your Friday night.
We’ve made a list of things you can try out;

1.     Board games.

You can’t go wrong with gaming to unwind with friends and colleagues on a Friday night. There are so many board games to choose from. So make a choice and get playing.

 2.     Dancing.
Actually, this should be the first on the list.

Dancing has been found to be a good stress reliever (even when you are not in a club). It is fun, exciting and also a good way to mix and meet new people. There are lots of places to go dancing. Decide and get going!

3.     Go sip ‘n’ paint.

Grab your friends and grab some brushes. Look for a sip and paint class at a local bar and bring out the inner Picasso in you!

4. Pamper Yourself..

Pick your treat; pizza, ice cream, chocolate, some wine, whatever it is get it ready. Then put on a face mask and paint your nails (men can take time to clean their toenails). Light some scented candles, put on some soft music, take a long shower or hot bath, do a little meditating. Pretend you're at a spa. When you are done, treat yourself to some sweet treat!

There! You have options. Go make the most of your Friday.
Happy Weekend!


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