What is a side hustle? Do I need one?

I feel like we've spoken or heard so much about having a side hustle that most of us don't think it's actually beneficial, it's all taken for granted now.
You know how our parents can over flog a topic and it just becomes regular, you don't even care to pay it any attention the next time you hear or read about it. This is exactly how it felt till I picked up myself and decided to start doing what I love doing besides my 9-5.

To be sure we don't lose direction, let's stick with answering the question up there shall we?
So, what is a side hustle?
According to my dictionary, it’s anything that earns you extra bucks outside of your main job. That's all... It's not that deep.

Do I Need One?
How much do you earn??..! Do you even have a main job? OMG! (lol, just kidding)
If you are kind of uncomfortable with the way your salary is set up or you're that kind of stubborn with your passion and hobby like those TEF Entrepreneurs then yes, you need a side hustle.
Let me tell you why.

A side hustle would always give your extra cash to invest, save or even to spend. You want to be able to take care of needs without necessarily having to take a loan or borrow.
It gives you a second option. Side hustles are lifesaving. When you leave the corporate life, you need to have a well-established business to fall back on. This will not only take care of your bills but also keep you occupied and have your mind functioning at its apex.
A side hustle can become your legacy. Your 9-5 is great. It gives you the opportunity to garner all that experience, sense of ethics, discipline and also provide you with the right network but besides that you need a legacy. Something you've established which will have your fine prints on it and will possibly live longer than you, and of which you will be remembered.

You're creating opportunities- Having a side hustle gives you the opportunity to employ and provide jobs for others. We're all in the same race of developing our continent and one of the most substantial ways to do that is to provide job opportunities for the youth and give them an avenue to put their creative abilities and skills to work.

It gives you more than enough to save- I'm a big advocate of saving and will gladly embrace any "legit" opportunity that will give me more cash to save. The importance of saving for the rainy day can never be over emphasized.

Having a side hustle is great but to be successful at it you need to be able to apportion time to it. Ensure it doesn't affect your main gig cause once you're unable to do this, both will suffer.
On the next blog post, I'll share with you my favorite side hustle. 
Till then....The Lazy Entrepreneur

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing.I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.
