Silhouette of Man Raising His Hands

Celebrating isn’t always about parties or social gatherings, sometimes it's just as simple as giving yourself a pat on the back. With all that has and is still happening in 2020, it's easy to feel like there's no "big thing" to celebrate; but life isn't all about big wins, there are small significant things to be grateful for.

Here are 5 everyday wins you should celebrate:

Waking up
Beautiful african woman in stylish pajamas stretches while sitting in bed at home Premium Photo
Cliché right? But when you think about how many people slept and didn't wake up, it makes you realize waking up every day is a gift.

Having a reason to smile and laugh
Because what's life without laughter? Let’s give it up for Memes and all the other reasons in our lives that make us smile and laugh.

The power to say No

Brown Paper With Handwritten Text

Saying No to yourself and to others when necessary is never easy. Celebrate yourself for saying No to spending and choosing to save, for saying No to something or someone that could hurt your peace and for all the times saying No was good for you.

Controlling your emotions
Man Wearing Black Formal Coat and White Turtleneck Shirt  Holding Clear Drinking Glass Looking Out the Window
Even as adults, we're still learning to manage our emotions better. Every day is a test to our emotions; if you acted differently when you could have done worse, give yourself a hug.

Remembering to drink water
Man pours water from glass
Water is so good for us but it's so easy to forget to drink enough. If you can take in 2-4 litres daily, you deserve a medal.

Every day comes with its beauty, find it and celebrate it.


  1. Uba is not a Good bank that delivered and work with tine I think they really have to change most of the workers mostly the managers they don't do their work and the trams as well, maybe you don't know what is bank, how can you keep someone transaction for days money that was been transfer it going to get in to another account for days from another country, you guys have to work on your teams and leaders not just be bank just because you want to make more profit ...No... You have to make your costumer's been satisfy ..
    So many things going wrong which I have to say, others bank are not like this, are you working for yourself or to satisfy your costumer's because very know that without your costumer's you can get the bank wotking .. Am going to stop here.

  2. Uba is not a Good bank that delivered and work with tine I think they really have to change most of the workers mostly the managers they don't do their work and the trams as well, maybe you don't know what is bank, how can you keep someone transaction for days money that was been transfer it going to get in to another account for days from another country, you guys have to work on your teams and leaders not just be bank just because you want to make more profit ...No... You have to make your costumer's been satisfy ..
    So many things going wrong which I have to say, others bank are not like this, are you working for yourself or to satisfy your costumer's because very know that without your costumer's you can get the bank wotking .. Am going to stop here.
