Effective Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs.

Work-life balance is the level of prioritization between the business and personal aspects of your entrepreneurial life.

As an entrepreneur, you already spend so much time planning, researching, marketing, selling, managing staff, managing finances. Yet, you aren’t in the mix. Your personal life is buried. You have no time for you and you keep making excuses to justify it. Work life balance isn’t easy because the lines are blurred. However, there are tips to help you create your own work-life balance. 

We've put some together to help you create a work-life balance.


Plan your day, week, month, and year related to your business and non-business activities. Your plan must be based on your business and personal goals. However, If you do not firmly plan for personal time, you will never have time to do other things outside of work.

Manage your time.


Create a calendar of your activities. you can do this by customizing your own Excel spreadsheet or Word table or sync it into your phone’s calendar. Put a date for each activity. Include commitments – such as holidays, birthdays, dates etc. – so you are always on track and available.

Prioritize your health.

Your overall health; physical, emotional and mental health should be a major concern. Don’t wait till it’s too late to get necessary help. Prioritizing your health will make you a better entrepreneur and a better person. Overworking yourself stops you from getting better and makes you less productive.

Prioritizing your health doesn't have to intense or extreme activities. daily meditation or simple exercises are good.

Take A vacation or Unplug

Taking a vacation or simply unplugging for a day or two allows you to recover from daily or weekly stress, and gives you space for thoughts other than your business and also give way for new ideas to emerge. 

it's important to take time off to physically and mentally recharge

Set boundaries and work hours.

Set boundaries for yourself to avoid burnout. When you are done with the business of the day, avoid thinking about upcoming projects or responding to company emails or calls.

Ensure that you have a separate computer or phone for work, so you can shut it off when you clock out. 

Work-life balance will mean different things to different people because, we all have different life commitments. However, managing work-life balance is something that can eliminate stress and improve your overall life as an entrepreneur.

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